Monthly Archives: July 2012

Why I do What I do….

In my previous post, I wrote about T1, T2, and T3 networking.  Networking is never easy.  It can be very taxing especially for an inventor and/or entrepreneur. We only have so much time in a day to accomplish many tasks. However, we recognize it's importance and value. One promise I made to myself was to [...]


Networking – T1, T2, or T3?

If you've attended one of my workshops or heard me speak then you are familiar with what I mean by "paying it forward."  For those reading this blog who've never seen me speak, then you're in for a treat.  The meaning of "paying it forward" links to research I've conducted during my doctoral studies.  In [...]


The Creation of Something New….

Change.  Change is good.  Change is scary.  Change is uncertain yet exhilarating.  Right? Well, it is if you're an inventor, entrepreneur, a risk taker..someone who likes a challenge. That pretty much sums up life as Debra Lindh.  And one of the main reasons why I've decided it was time to change my website.  I'm always [...]

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