
Refocus, Restart, ReZoom

Do you have a goal you'd like to achieve this year? Do you need help in figuring out the steps to plan? If you said "yes" to any of these then How often do we have a goal and wish we could restart? Well today we can.... #PTSDandBeyond A reboot is for computers. We aren't [...]


Reaching Amazon’s Best Seller’s List – What Does it Mean?

By now you’ve probably heard the news that the co-authored book, The Success Blueprint, with personal development and business guru, Brian Tracy, reached Amazon’s Best Seller’s List.  Not just once, but twice! The excitement is incredible!  At a recent event, I was in a group of people when asked, “How did you reach Amazon’s Best [...]


Mindful Change

Change.  Change is constant yet people resist change.  There are many reasons why people resist change; everything from it’s too different from what is ‘normal’ to being forced to change. Though this is true reality, so are the advantages to change.  I find that many people already know benefits of change.  Heck, I’ve feel the [...]

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